Daily Reflection

It is Time to Seek the Lord

July 10, 2024 | Wednesday
  • Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
  • Matthew 10:1-7

    Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12

    Psalm 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7

    Matthew 10:1-7


    Jesus summoned his Twelve disciples

    and gave them authority over unclean spirits to drive them out

    and to cure every disease and every illness.

    The names of the Twelve Apostles are these:

    first, Simon called Peter, and his brother Andrew;

    James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John;

    Philip and Bartholomew,

    Thomas and Matthew the tax collector;

    James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus;

    Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot

    who betrayed Jesus.


    Jesus sent out these Twelve after instructing them thus,

    “Do not go into pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town.

    Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

    As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’”


    Opening Prayer: Lord God, you have blessed me by welcoming me into the Kingdom of Heaven. Never let me forget such an awesome gift. You have transformed the old creation into a new creation and this will continue until the end of time. I am also blessed to share in this transformation of society.


    Encountering the Word of God


    1. Prosperity and Idolatry: In the First Reading, Hosea communicates God’s judgment to sinful Israel. He says that the nation will become a wasteland, the people will soon be dispersed to Egypt and Assyria, the monarchy of Israel will fall, and the idolatrous sanctuaries in Bethel and Dan will be destroyed. Today’s reading connects Israel’s material prosperity with their idolatry: the more Israel prospered, the more altars and sacred pillars to false gods were set up. Jesus will teach that we cannot serve both Mammon and God (Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13). The people of Israel chose the false gods Mammon and Baal over the one true God. The people of Israel are told by Hosea to seek the Lord and the Responsorial Psalm tells us to “seek always the face of the Lord.” The hearts that seek the Lord rejoice because they are filled with true joy. Those who seek the Lord look back and recall his wondrous deeds, his portents (miracles-signs-prophecies), and his judgments. The psalm refers back to the covenant promises made with Abraham and implies that, as descendants of Abraham and sons of Jacob, they are heirs of the promises (Psalm 105:7-12).


    2. Sought Out and Found by God: Seeking God is about letting ourselves be found by him. Finding God is not merely a human achievement. We need to realize that God takes the first step – he is the one who searches for us as lost sheep. In the Gospel, Jesus commands his newly-appointed apostles to go out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. The call and sending out of the apostles marks a new stage in Jesus’ ministry. Up to this point, Jesus was the one who taught, proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom, cured disease and illness, and cast out unclean spirits. Now, after appointing the twelve as apostles, Jesus gives them authority over unclean spirits, the power to cure every disease and illness, and the charge to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom of God. The Gospel message first preached by the apostles was an exhortation to conversion and repentance, for the Kingdom of God is at hand (Matthew 4:17). After Jesus’ Resurrection the message of repentance remained, but now the people were to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and the reception of the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Baptism was no longer a sign of repentance, but an effective sign (a sacrament) that forgives sin, introduces the Christian into divine life by sharing in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus worked signs and miracles to bring the people to believe in him, that he is the Christ, the Son of God, who comes into the world to save it and bring it new life. The apostles will work signs and miracles as well, as a testimony to the truth of our salvation in Jesus Christ.


    3. The Mission of the Apostles: The Apostles heard the sermon on the mount and could communicate that message on their first mission trip: the beatitudes; the fulfillment of the law and the prophets by Jesus of Nazareth; the renewed call to holiness and perfection; not to make a show of almsgiving, prayer and fasting; that we should lay up treasure in heaven and serve God alone; that we should trust in God’s providence; that God is our Father and that he gives good gifts to his children. Ultimately, the Apostles preached about Jesus, brought the people to know him, and encouraged them to follow him as his disciples. After Pentecost, the Apostles and the disciples of Jesus would be sent out once again, not just to the lost sheep of Israel, but to all the nations. That sending out continues today. We are sent out to proclaim to the nations the Good News of our salvation. All men and women seek God: this desire is written in the human heart. We are created by God and for God, and God never ceases to draw us to himself. Only in God will we find the truth and happiness that we never stop searching for (CCC, 27). “Although man can forget God or reject him, He never ceases to call every man to seek him, so as to find life and happiness. But this search for God demands of man every effort of intellect, a sound will, ‘an upright heart,’ as well as the witness of others who teach him to seek God” (CCC, 30).


    Conversing with Christ: Lord Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd who seeks out his lost sheep, brings his lambs to restful waters, nourishes his flock with good pasture, and protects his flock from demonic wolves. Teach me to be a good shepherd.


    Living the Word of God: Am I truly proclaiming the same Gospel as that of Jesus? How similar is my testimony to that of the Sermon on the Mount? Or is it different? What do I emphasize when I speak to others? Is my presentation of the Gospel fully aligned with that of Jesus or am I just doing my own thing?

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