
Baptismal Promises at Easter Dawn Mass

March 21, 2021

Q: I like to know why the current Roman Missal omits the renewal of baptismal promises on the Mass at dawn of Easter Sunday? What is the rationale for this, considering that some people are not able to attend the Easter Vigil ceremonies?

Attendance at Chrism Mass

March 15, 2021

Q: Are all the priests of the diocese obliged to attend/concelebrate at the Chrism Mass to show the unity of the presbyterate?

A: The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) explains the significance of concelebration with the bishop:

Disregard for an Alb at a Priest-Only Mass

March 8, 2021

Q: One of my priest companions does not want to wear the alb when only some priests are present as concelebrants. When students or faithful attend, he does wear one; but I feel that he should not be satisfied with the stole even when only companion priests are present. How can I convince him? I tried but in vain. 

Celebrating Mass Without Candles

March 1, 2021

Q: As an elderly retired priest who offers daily Mass in my apartment, I suffer from severe allergies to fragrances. Burning candles give off a fragrance that causes health problems. Is it permitted to offer Mass not using candles? 

Communion After a Livestreamed Mass

February 17, 2021

Q: I am confused and somewhat concerned about watching a virtual Mass on television or a computer, and then driving by one’s parish to receive Communion. Are there Church documents, or is there a precedent to support this practice?

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