21 July 2024  |  Weekly Bulletin

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Homily Pack for Jul 28, 2024, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

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Liturgy Q&A

Ringing the Bells at Mass

Question: I have a series of questions relevant to the role of acolytes/altar servers in their use of bells at Mass. 1) Can you please comment on the validity of the practice in some local churches here of: first, continuously ringing the bell during the entrance procession from the back all the way to the front until it reaches the sanctuary; second, ringing the bells during the Gloria all throughout the year; third, ringing the bell continuously during the "Great Amen." 2) What is the proper way of ringing bells at the consecration (how many rings, continuous or single or clusters, etc.)? 3) When is the proper timing of ringing the bell "just before the consecration"? Is it during the epiclesis when the priest directs his palms down toward the gifts on the altar? Or is it in that short pause in the Eucharistic Prayer just before the priest begins the words of consecration? -- M.S., Iloilo, Philippines

Read the answer fromFr. Edward McNamara, LC

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