Homily Packs

Third Sunday of Lent (C)

March 20, 2022 | Sunday

Listen to and read an example homily for this day. ES EN

The Big Picture

  1. Select a lesson
  2. Select one (or more) illustrations
  3. Select one (or more) applications

How to build your homily

  1. Click on any title to view the text.
  2. Click on any checkbox to add a lesson, illustration, or application to your homily.
  3. Keep track of your selections in the right margin.
  4. Preview your homily to edit, export, or print it.
  5. Start over at any time.

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Lesson 3

This week's Preaching Tip

No Substitute

"Where homilies are concerned, there is no substitute for preparation. Not personality, not wisdom, not the many years studying for the priesthood, not even sanctity. For it is not your personality or wisdom that people seek. And if the many years in the seminary did not teach you to respect your mission and your flock, then you are certainly no saint."

The Celtic Book of Wisdom

Select a lesson at left
Select and illustration
Select an Application

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