ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Isaiah 22:15, 19-23
Psalm: Psalms 138:1-2, 2-3, 6, 8
Reading II: Romans 11:33-36
Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20

Preaching Tip

You Can't Give What You Don't Have

The old Latin proverb reminds us: Nemo dat quod non habet; you can't give what you don't have.

  • In our preaching, we are called to give light, strength, grace, and encouragement.
  • A tall order.
  • That's why St Pius X summed up the two unworthy-nesses of the priest as follows:

"Ignorance or poverty of doctrine is something unworthy of a priest who must instruct the people in the law of God, but it is still more unworthy that a priest would exercise his ministry without having a care of holiness of life."

 A to 21                                           


Los textos subrayan el lugar que ocupa Pedro dentro de la Iglesia. Es el primero entre sus hermanos; los representa para confesar la fe en Cristo, pero también tiene la responsabilidad de construir en sólidos cimientos y defender el patrimonio de la fe.

Hermanas y hermanos:

1. El protagonismo de Pedro en el Evangelio de hoy nos permite reflexionar en la misión confiada al Santo Padre en el gobierno de la Iglesia y la santificación del pueblo cristiano. Son tiempos difíciles en donde abundan las amenazas del materialismo y el relativismo; la persecución arrecia en algunos países y aumenta el número de los mártires. Esto puede causar desorientación general y provocar el desaliento.

2. La palabra de un sabio y el testimonio de un santo se convierten en una gracia de Dios y un referente seguro en la doctrina y en las costumbres. El Papa nos invita a no tener miedo. “¡Abrid de par en par las puertas de vuestro corazón a Cristo!”. Todo cristiano debe responder con la fidelidad a sus enseñanzas y con el amor filial a su persona.

3. Las responsabilidades y atribuciones confiadas a Pedro están representadas en tres símbolos: “piedra” “llaves” “atar y desatar”

Piedra: Pedro es la roca que garantiza la estabilidad de la Iglesia. “Tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra construiré mi Iglesia”. Pedro y sus sucesores reciben una misión al frente de la comunidad cristiana.

Llaves: El que dispone de las llaves de una casa o de una ciudad tiene la responsabilidad de protegerla. Se trata de poderes de administración y gobierno en el plano espiritual. Pedro es el guardián de la fe y de las costumbres en la Iglesia. Las llaves de Pedro simbolizan la autoridad de la que Pedro ha sido investido para “abrir y cerrar”.

Atar y desatar: La metáfora usa un lenguaje jurídico para designar aquello que está prohibido o lo que está permitido, pero en el lenguaje del evangelio significa la capacidad de discernimiento para distinguir aquello que es la Voluntad de Dios. No es un poder de dominio sino un servicio a la comunidad.

El Papa es el punto de referencia y la garantía de la ortodoxia doctrinal y moral, porque Cristo le confirió el primado a través de Pedro. “El Papa es el que preside la caridad”

4.En el Evangelio de hoy Cristo vuelve a preguntarnos: “Y vosotros ¿Quién decís que soy yo?”. Sabemos que es imposible responder con la sola razón. Es un problema personal de elección que consiste en entrar en sintonía con Dios, abandonarnos a su acción interior en la esperanza y el amor; un acto de libertad, una decisión de fe. Cuando Cristo con su gracia desenmascara nuestros egoísmos nos predispone a dar la respuesta que tanto espera: “Tu eres el Cristo, el Hijo del Dios vivo”  Y así despertamos a una luz nueva.

English Translation

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)                                


Today’s texts emphasize the place that Peter holds within the Church. He is the first among his brothers. He professes his faith in Christ on their behalf, but he also has the responsibility of building the Church on solid foundations and defending the patrimony of the faith.

Sisters and Brothers:

1. Peter is the protagonist of today’s Gospel, and so we must reflect on the mission entrusted to the Holy Father: governing the Church and sanctifying the people of God. We live in difficult times, where materialism and relativism are threatening the Church from all sides. In some countries persecution is intensifying and the number of martyrs is growing. This could easily cause general confusion and discouragement.

2. When the words of a wise man are backed up by the witness of a holy man, it becomes for us a Grace of God and sure reference in doctrine and customs. The Pope invites us to not be afraid: in the words of Pope Saint John Paul II, “Open wide the doors of your heart to Christ!” Each and every Christian should respond with fidelity to his teachings and with childlike love for his person.

3. The responsibilities and attributes entrusted to Peter are represented by three symbols: “rock”, “keys”, and “to bind and to loose”

Rock: Peter is the rock that guarantees the stability of the Church. “You are Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church.” Peter and his successors were entrusted with this mission for the sake of the Christian community.

Keys: He who holds the keys of a house or city has the responsibility of protecting it. With regard to the Pope, these are powers of administration and government in the spiritual realm. Peter is the guardian of the faith and customs of the Church. The keys symbolize the authority of “opening and shutting” that Peter has been given.

To bind and to loose: this metaphor uses legal language that ordinarily designates what is permitted or prohibited. In gospel language, however, it means the capacity of discerning in order to distinguish what is the will of God from what is not. It is not a power of domination but of service to the community.

The Pope is the reference point and the guarantee of doctrinal and moral orthodoxy, because Christ Himself confirmed his primacy in Peter: “The Pope is he who presides through Charity”

4. In today’s Gospel Christ asks us once again: “And you, who do you say that I am?” We know we cannot answer this question with human reason alone. Rather, it is a challenge that each one must respond to by learning to live in harmony with God and abandonment to his interior workings of hope and love. It is an act of freedom, a decision of faith. Only when the grace of Christ unmasks our egotism are we prepared to give the answer He most desires to hear: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” And so we are born into new light.