ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9
Psalm: Daniel 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56
Reading II: Second Corinthians 13:11-13
Gospel: John 3:16-18

Preaching Tip


Not everyone in the church is listening to every word you say during your homily. But you can still give them a kernel of wisdom that they can take with them during the day and the following week, if you use a catchy title or refrain. Here's how one secular expert puts it:

  • The title can be subtly used as a refrain throughout your speech.
  • Repeating it as an echo helps listeners to follow the speaker's train of thought.
  • Remember, nobody listens all the time. But an audience would be hard-pressed to forget your title or the theme it suggests if you skillfully repeat the title as a refrain in the introduction, body, and conclusion. (Thomas Montalbo, The Power of Eloquence, p28.)

Some priests and preachers have found it useful to publish the catchy title of their homily in the bulletin to drive it home even more.

TRINIDAD   (A)                                         

ESPÍRITU DE FAMILIA                 

Hermanas y hermanos:

El Padre es Dios, el Hijo es Dios y el Espíritu Santo es Dios, son tres personas distintas pero un solo Dios verdadero ¿O sea tres es igual a uno? ¿Cómo podemos resolver esta imposible ecuación? Muchas veces la gente se enfrenta ante el misterio en estos términos, pero no es el álgebra la que nos va a resolver el problema. Parece un juego de palabras y sin embargo es dogma de fe. ¿Entonces es un rompecabezas para alterar nuestra tranquilidad? ¿O es un enigma para desafiar nuestra mente como a San Agustín aquella tarde de verano en la ribera del mar? Conocemos bien la anécdota en la que un niño misterioso explica al santo que resulta más fácil vaciar el mar dentro de un pequeño agujero en la playa, que aclarar el misterio de la Trinidad.

1.  Es más que todo eso. Dios es el amigo del hombre y se nos presenta como es, aunque el hombre no sea capaz de entenderlo. Dios llama al hombre hacia sí, lo acompaña y  lo estará esperando hasta el día en que sea capaz de "encontrarse con Él cara a cara, sin velos, sin intermediarios". Dios lo invita a participar personalmente en la realidad divina. El hombre, para realizarse como hombre, debe buscar la verdad de su vida, y sólo la podrá encontrar en Dios como su creador, como su redentor, como su santificador.

2.  San Juan nos revela que "Dios es Amor".  Dios es la familia del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu que los mantiene plenamente unidos en el amor. Podemos decir que las tres personas divinas son un solo corazón y una sola alma como decimos de toda verdadera familia humana. Hay sintonía y  empatía totales. Es el Espíritu Santo el Amor que infunde este espíritu de familia en el seno de la Santísima Trinidad y en el seno de nuestra familia en que hemos nacido.

3.  Dios nos ha hecho a su imagen y semejanza y quiere que también nosotros nos integremos en su unidad:  «Que todos sean uno, como Tú, Padre, en mí y yo en ti, que ellos también sean uno en  nosotros... Yo en ellos y Tú en mí, para que sean perfectamente uno» (Jn. 17,21-23). Estamos hechos para encontrarnos como hermanos, para comunicarnos como amigos, para vivir juntos como familia de creyentes, para amarnos como hijos de Dios. Si las "dimensiones" de la Santísima Trinidad son la donación, la comunicación y la comunión, también nosotros nos realizaremos a base de donación, comunicación y comunión. 

Aprendamos a dar y a darnos, a compartir bienes y talentos, a vivir en solidaridad. A esto le llamamos "espíritu de familia".  Parece difícil aprender esta  lección y, sin embargo, ¿no es verdad que «hay más dicha en dar que en recibir»? Sin  duda, es más feliz el que da que el que acapara. Y, sobre todo, más fecundo. Aprendamos a abrir la mano y el corazón. Aprendamos a dar  generosa y gratuitamente, sin pedir recompensa. Que así sea.

English Translation

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Year A)                                                 


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God; three distinctly but different persons, yet only One true God. Can three really equal ONE? How can we possibly solve this confounding equation? Frequently we attempt to solve this mystery in mathematical terms; in reality algebra does not have a formula with which to resort to for a solution. It may appear to be a play on words, yet it is a dogmatic tenant of the Faith. Is it merely a puzzle by which to question our comfortable assumptions? Or is it an enigma meant to distract our thoughts much like St Augustine on that afternoon, near the seashore? We are well aware about the story of the mysterious young boy explaining to the saint by the beach that "it is much easier to empty the sea into a small bucket, than it is to enlighten the sacred mystery that is the Holy Trinity".

1. It is that and much more. The Lord is man's faithful friend, he shows us his true self, whether we have the capacity to accept him as such or not. HE calls out to us, keeps us company throughout, and will await the day when we are "ready to meet him face-to face, without any obstacle or obstruction". No third parties to mediate. God warmly invites us to fully participate and benefit in his divine reality. To completely realize his potential, man must seek the truth about his life, and he will only find it in God, his creator, redeemer, and sanctifier.

2. St John unveils to us that "God is Love". God is the family of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who abundantly unites us in love. It is fair to state that the three divine persons are of one heart and one soul, just like any other close family. Total harmony and understanding! It is the Holy Spirit that fosters this "family spirit" within the oneness of the Holy Trinity and the heart of our own family unit.

3. The Lord created us in his image and likeness, and encourages our transformation into his very "SELF". "All are One: like YOU 'Father in me, and I in you"....as they should all be one of US...I in them and YOU in me, a perfect union" (John 17: 21-23). We are created to live as brothers, to treat each other as friends, living as people of faith like true sons and daughters of God. If the dimensions of the Holy Trinity are generosity, communication and communion, we too will embrace the foundations of such generosity, communication and communion.

Learn to give and to receive, sharing your talents and good fortune, coexisting in peaceful solidarity. This we refer to as "the Spirit of Family". At times this may seem difficult to practice; however "is it not more fulfilling to give than to receive?" Undoubtedly, there is more joy in sharing than there is in receiving. Certainly more fruitful! Learn to open your hearts as well as your pocketbooks. Give generously and charitably, without asking for any compensation or praise. Amen!