ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Acts 2:14, 22-28
Psalm: Psalms 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11
Reading II: First Peter 1:17-21
Gospel: Luke 24:13-35

Preaching Tip

Clear as Mud

How can we make our homilies clear?

  • First, we ourselves have to know exactly what we want to say, what message we want to impart. If we can't put it into one sentence, it will be fuzzy to our listeners.
  • Second, we have to use words that connect with our listeners. That means using the words with which our listeners think.
  • At times this forces us to avoid language and terms that we hold dear, that we former seminarians are comfortable with. It's worth it.
  • If we speak every homily with the local 12-year-olds in mind, we should safely avoid the pitfalls of ecclesiastical and intellectual jargon, and help the gospel reach every heart in the pews.

A. PASCUA III                                       


En los momentos más oscuros de la vida, cuando creemos que caminamos solos y que todos se olvidan de nosotros, Jesús resucitado se pone a nuestro lado como un peregrino de Emaús. No dejará que el desaliento se apodere de nosotros. Con Él nuestra noche volverá a quedar iluminada, fortalecida, alegrada. Y si se queda con nosotros resucitado podremos también partir su Pan y escuchar su Palabra.

Hermanas y hermanos:

1.  Aquellos dos discípulos se lamentaban diciendo: "Nosotros creíamos que él iba a ser el libertador de Israel, sin embargo, han pasado ya tres días desde que lo mataron". Pero entonces, Jesús resucitado se acercó hasta ellos, y comenzó a conversar haciéndose pasar por un viajero más. Sus ojos estaban nublados y no lo reconocieron. ¿Qué les impedía verlo? Su falta de fe. Ellos estaban esperando un Mesías guerrero que salvara a Israel del poder de los romanos. ¡Sí, faltaba fe y sobraba apego a sus criterios tan humanos! Con justa razón el Señor los reprende duramente y les dice: "Insensatos y duros de corazón para creer todo lo que anunciaron los profetas". Entonces Jesús con gran paciencia les explica todos los pasajes de la Escritura que se referían a El.

2.  Traslademos esta escena hasta nosotros y a nuestro entorno actual. Como los de Emaús, también nosotros nos hemos puesto en camino en tiempo de incertidumbre y de inclemencia, de perplejidad y de zozobra, de desaliento y de oscuridad. El itinerario de la fe no consiste en la ausencia o presencia de Jesús, sino en la transformación interior que nos permite abrir los ojos, no para ver algo nuevo, sino para ver con ojos nuevos.

         Para que arda nuestro corazón son necesarias dos cosas: la Escritura y la Eucaristía. La Escritura enciende el corazón. La Eucaristía nos introduce en el misterio de la muerte y la resurrección. Necesitamos desprendernos de nuestros criterios humanos y de nuestra manera de ver las cosas para reconocer al Señor cuando nos enseña su Verdad, cuando nos muestra sus criterios, cuando nos regala con la gracia de su presencia.

3.  "¡Quédate con nosotros!", le dijeron los discípulos de Emaús y Jesús entró en su casa. Sentado a la mesa, "tomó un pan, pronunció la bendición, lo partió y se lo dio". Entonces "se les abrieron los ojos y lo reconocieron". Cuando escuchaban a Jesús, su corazón se emocionaba y entendían lo que les explicaba, pero al recibirlo en la Eucaristía lo reconocieron y pudieron creer que realmente había resucitado.

Hermanos: Cada domingo llegamos a Misa cegados por las incertidumbres y desazones, como Cleofás y su compañero. El Señor nos ha acompañado amorosamente. Ahora, dejemos que él mismo nos explique las Escrituras, y comamos el pan de la Eucaristía. Ahora sólo falta decirle: "Quédate con nosotros porque se hace tarde". ¿No es verdad que es ahora cuando más necesitamos que esté aquí?  ¡Pues bien, Él ha escuchado ya nuestra oración: ¡Se quedó para siempre en nuestros sagrarios!

English Translation

A Easter III                                                    

The Flight to Emmaus

In the darkest moments of life, when we feel like we are completely alone, like everyone has forgotten about us, the risen Jesus shows up at our side like a pilgrim on the way to Emmaus. He will not let discouragement get the best of us. With Him our night will become illuminated, strengthened, and joyful. And if he stays with us we will also be able to share his Bread and hear his Word.

Sisters and Brothers:

1.  The two disciples on the road to Emmaus lamented: “We were hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel; and besides all this, it is now the third day since they killed him.” But then Jesus came close and began to talk with them as if he were just one more traveler on the road. Their eyes were clouded and they could not recognize him. What prevented them from seeing Him? Their lack of faith. They were hoping for a Warrior-Messiah who would save Israel from the power of the Romans. They lacked faith and had too much attachment to their own very human criteria! The Lord had reason to correct them so harshly and say, “How foolish and slow of heart you are to believe all that the prophets spoke!” Then Jesus explained to them, with great patience, all the passages of scripture that refer to Him.

2.  Let us transpose this scene to our own day and age: Just like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we have undertaken a journey in a time of uncertainty, confusion, discouragement, and darkness. The way of faith does not depend on whether or not we feel Jesus to be present. Rather, it is about an interior transformation that lets us open our eyes. We do not necessarily see something new, but we see all the same things with new eyes.

If our hearts are to burn like the travelers to Emmaus, then we need two things: The Scriptures and the Eucharist. The Scriptures ignite our heart. The Eucharist unites us to the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ. If we are to recognize the Lord when he teaches his Truth, shows us his criteria, and graces us with his presence, then we must detach our hearts from our human criteria and from our own way of seeing things.

3.  The disciples of Emmaus said, “Stay with us, Lord!”, and Jesus entered into their house. While at table, “he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him.” When they listened to Jesus, they grew excited and they understood what he was explaining, but only when they received him in the Eucharist did they recognize him and believe that he had truly risen.

Brothers and Sisters: Every Sunday we come to mass blinded by uncertainties and doubts, just like Cleopas and and his companion. Meanwhile, the Lord has lovingly walked by our side. Now, let us let Him explain the scriptures to us, and let us eat the bread of his Eucharist. We have only to say, “Stay with us, Lord, for it is nearly evening!” Is it not true that we need him now more than ever? Well, he has heard our prayer: He stays with us forever in our tabernacles!