ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Acts 2:42-47
Psalm: Psalms 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
Reading II: First Peter 1:3-9
Gospel: John 20:19-31

Preaching Tip

Heart Kindles Heart

If our preaching is not converting those who hear us, not spurring them on to a more passionate pursuit of holiness, the cause may be in our own stalled spiritual life. A flameless match can't start a fire:

  • "This is the point, it seems to me, where the secret distrust of Christian preaching is smoldering. Behind all the obvious and superficial criticism - such as that the sermon is boring, remote from life, irrelevant - there is, I am convinced, this ultimate reservation, namely, that the man who bores others must be boring himself.
  • And the man who bores himself is not really living in what he - so boringly - hands out. ‘Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also' - in this case the treasure of the heart seems not to be identical with what it is commending to others."

Helmut Thielicke, quoted in Preaching for Today, by Clyde E. Fant, pp 56-57.

 A PASCUA II                   


La Resurrección de Jesucristo es el misterio más importante de nuestra fe cristiana. Si Cristo no hubiera resucitado, vana sería nuestra fe, y falsa nuestra esperanza. El mensaje de Pascua para nosotros en pleno siglo XXI es la mejor de las noticias: ¡Con su resurrección, Cristo nos ha liberado de nuestros egoismos, de nuestros complejos, de nuestra sensualidad! Falta, sin embargo, una fase de limpieza y saneamiento interior, que nos corresponde a nosotros.  

Hermanas y hermanos:

1.  "Creer es ver con el alma": Hoy viene el Resucitado a abrir nuestros ojos como a Tomás para que descubramos una nueva dimensión en nuestra vida. Su Espíritu nos ilumina, fortalece nuestro ser con una una vida nueva, nos inunda de gozo y de paz. "Si habéis resucitado con Cristo, nos dice San Pablo, buscad las cosas de arriba, donde está Cristo sentado a la derecha de Dios; pensad en las cosas de arriba, no en las de la tierra". (Col. 3, 1-4).

Pero Jesucristo no sólo ha resucitado, sino que nos ha prometido que nos resucitará también a nosotros. "La fe en la resurrección de Jesús, vuelve a decirnos San Pablo, nos permite esperar con confianza nuestra propia resurrección y esta esperanza nos da la fuerza espiritual para romper las ataduras del pecado".

2.  "Amar es abrazarse a la misericordia". Celebramos este año nuevamente la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia que instauró Juan Pablo II en respuesta a la solicitud del mismo Cristo a Santa Faustina Kowalska. Jesucristo nos llama a acogernos a su Misericordia con tres solicitudes: arrepentirnos y confesarnos dentro de la semana anterior a la fiesta; comulgar el día de la fiesta; ser nosotros mismos misericordiosos, realizando algún acto de misericordia.

 ¡Cómo no animarnos con sus palabras! :"Deseo que la Fiesta de la Misericordia sea un refugio y amparo para todas las almas y, especialmente, para los pobres pecadores. Este día derramo un mar de gracias sobre las almas que se acerquen al manantial de mi Misericordia. El alma que se confiese y reciba la Santa Comunión obtendrá el perdón total de las culpas y de las penas. Que ningún alma tema acercarse a Mí, aunque sus pecados sean rojos como la sangre".

3.  "Confiar es sentirse perdonados": La confesión no es una penitencia, sino una gracia que nos transforma de seres manchados, en hombres puros.  En este sacramento la miseria del alma se encuentra con la Misericordia divina. Escuchen para terminar lo que le dijo Jesús a Santa Faustina Kowalska: "Yo en persona te estoy esperando en el Confesionario, sólo que estoy oculto en el Sacerdote. Yo mismo actúo en tu alma". Aunque el alma fuera como un cadáver descomponiéndose y que pareciera estuviese todo ya perdido, para Dios no es así.

 Hermanos: Cristo no quiere la muerte del pecador, sino que se convierta y viva. Hoy Cristo resucitado nos invita a acercarnos a Él en su infinita misericordia. Así sea.

English Translation

Second Sunday of Easter (Year A)                              


Christ’s resurrection is the most important mystery of our Christian Faith. If Christ had not risen, our faith would be in vain and our hope would be false. The Paschal Message is perfect news for those of us in the full swing of the 21st century: By his resurrection Christ has freed us from our egotism, our complexes, and our sensuality! Still, we must pass through a phase of cleansing and purifying our interior, and this is up to us.

Sisters and Brothers:

1.  “Believing is seeing with our soul.”: The Risen One is coming today to open our eyes, just like He did for Thomas, so that we can see a new dimension of our life. His Spirit enlightens us and strengthens us with a new life that fills us with joy and peace. “If then you were raised with Christ,” says St. Paul, “seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.” (Col 3:1-4)

Christ rose from the dead, but He did not stop there: he promised that each of us would also one day rise again. St. Paul teaches us that our faith allows us to wait hopefully for our own resurrection, and this hope will give us the spiritual strength necessary to break the bonds of sin.

2.  “Loving is being embraced by mercy”. Today we celebrate once more the Feast of Divine Mercy. Saint John Paul II instituted this feast in response to the plea that Christ himself made to Saint Faustina Kowalska. Jesus Christ makes us three invitations to hearken to His Mercy: to repent of our sins and confess within the week leading up to the feast; to receive communion on the day of the feast; and to be merciful ourselves by doing some act of charity and mercy.

See how His words encourage us!: I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My Mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as red as blood.”

3.  “Hoping is knowing we are forgiven.”: Confession is not a punishment; it is a grace that transforms us from stained and soiled creatures into pure men and women. In this sacrament the soul’s misery meets Divine Mercy. To conclude, hear what Jesus said to Saint Faustina Kowalska: “I am personally waiting for you in the Confessional, only I am hidden in the priest. I myself am acting in your soul.” Even if a soul seems to be decaying like a corpse, and all seems to be lost, it is not so with God.

Brothers and Sisters: Christ does not want the death of the sinner; He wants him to convert and live. Today the Risen Christ invites us to draw near to Him in his infinite Mercy. Amen.