ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14
Psalm: Psalms 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Reading II: Romans 1:1-7
Gospel: Matthew 1:18-24

Preaching Tip

The Forgotten Mode of Homily Preparation

Our culture tends to make us too technical. It treats people like machines, and human activities like technical processes. But people are not machines, and human activities are more than techniques. We must never neglect, therefore, our most potent method of preparing our homilies:

  • "When Father Vincent McNabb was asked how long it had taken him to prepare a certain sermon, he replied: 'Forty years!' He meant, of course, that he had always been a keen student, interested in his books, and that his sermon was the fruit of forty years of mental and spiritual development.
  • "Similar every priest may be said to preach what he has lived. Every obligation of his priestly vocation prepares him to dispense the word; and if he has faithfully performed his duties, visited his people, helped the sick and the dying, heard confessions, and centered all his activities, self-discipline and daily sacrifices round the Altar, there offering them with Christ for his own spiritual needs and those of his flock, then as a priest he has acquired that unique culture which is the fruit of the sacerdotal life. For this reason all that he says from the pulpit must be influenced by his priestly experience and his zeal for the House of God."

        Ferdinand Valentine, The Art of Preaching, p 21

A IV Adviento                                                            


Nos hallamos a las puertas de la Navidad. El ambiente respira ya todo lo bueno y lo menos bueno que los hombres hacemos para celebrar una fiesta. Villancicos, regalos, alegría. ¿Alegría? ¿Realmente lo que sentimos en estos días es alegría, o todo se reduce a unos días de distracción en los que nos olvidamos de los problemas, de las angustias, de las insatisfacciones del resto del año?

Hermanas y hermanos:

1.  En este cuarto domingo de Adviento la figura de María está presente de manera muy especial. Sin ella no podría haberse realizado la redención del mundo. Jesús viene al mundo a través de María, porque ella fue capaz de aceptar humildemente que la fuerza del Espíritu Santo actuara sobre ella y la fecundase e hiciera nacer dentro de ella al Mesías, al Salvador.

2.  Eso que hizo María es lo mismo que debemos hacer nosotros, dejando actuar al Espíritu Santo. ¡Cuántas veces ponemos barreras y no permitimos que nos transforme! ¡Cuántas veces preferimos aferrarnos a nuestras rutinas, a nuestros temores y prejuicios, no vamos con el corazón limpio y abierto, no sabemos mostrar a Cristo a los hombres! Y entonces, en lugar de darle a Jesucristo, les damos nuestras formas de pensar, o nuestras manías, o nuestras cobardías. Deberíamos pedir la ayuda de María, para que aprendamos a obrar como ella.

3.  Junto a María está José. Podría decirse que es el protagonista del evangelio de hoy. José, que normalmente tiene la imagen de un personaje de segunda fila, aparece hoy como el hombre que tiene la fortaleza y la confianza necesarias para aceptar el inesperado plan de Dios, y actuar decididamente según la voluntad del Señor en cuanto la ha descubierto. Él hace posible que se cumplan las promesas que Dios había hecho al pueblo de Israel. Su fe se apoya en la palabra de Dios, se fía de lo que Dios ha dicho y cree que Dios no deja nunca de cumplir lo que ha prometido. Sólo así es capaz de ir por el camino del Señor. Aunque sea a tientas, a oscuras.

Esta es la llamada más importante que nos hace el evangelio de hoy por encima de los aspectos más superficiales de la Navidad; el Espíritu Santo nos quiere llenar de su gracia como a María, como a José, para que también nosotros colaboremos en el nacimiento de Jesús en este mundo concreto en que vivimos. Una llamada a creer en la palabra del Señor, en las promesas del Señor. Él viene, él está aquí, y nos asegura su fuerza de salvación, sólo nos pide que humildemente, con el corazón limpio, sepamos escucharlo para descubrir cada uno cuál es la voluntad de Dios en nuestra vida, cuál es el camino que cada día debemos emprender. Como José, como María.

English Translation

Fourth Sunday of Advent (A)                                                             


Christmas is just around the door. The air is full of the good things - and the not-so-good things - we are doing to celebrate the feast. Christmas carols, gifts, joy. Joy? Do we really feel joy these days, or does everything just turn into a few days of distraction in which we forget about our problems, our anxiety and the dissatisfaction of the rest of the year?

Sisters and brothers,

1.  On this fourth Sunday of Advent, the figure of Mary is present in a very special way. Without her the world could not have been redeemed. Jesus comes into the world through Mary, because she was able to accept with humility that the strength of the Holy Spirit would act on her and make her fertile, causing the Messiah, the Savior, to be born within her.

2.  We should do what Mary did, allowing the Holy Spirit to act in us. How often do we put obstacles and not allow him to transform us! How often do we prefer to follow our routine, with our fears and prejudices; we don't approach him with a clean and open heart, we don't know how to show Christ to others! So instead of giving Christ to others, we give our own way of thinking, our quirks or our cowardice. We should ask Mary to help us, so we learn to act like her.

3.  Joseph is at Mary's side. We could say that he is the main character in today's Gospel. Joseph is normally a background character in the story, but today he appears as a man with the strength and confidence to accept the unexpected plans of God, and to act with determination in accordance with God's Will, once he finds out what it is. He makes it possible for God's promises to Israel to be fulfilled. His faith is based on God's word; he trusts in what God has said and believes that God will never break his promises. This is the only way he can follow the path of the Lord, even it may mean he has to grope in the darkness.

Today's Gospel calls us beyond the superficial aspects of Christmas; the Holy Spirit wants to fill us with his grace like He filled Mary and Joseph, so that we too might participate in the birth of Christ in the concrete world in which we live. It is a call to believe in the Lord's word, in the Lord's promises. He is coming, He is here and He promises us the strength of salvation. His only request is that, with a clean heart, we learn to listen to Him humbly so we can each find out what God's Will is in our lives, what is the path we must undertake every day. Just like Joseph and Mary.