ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14
Psalm: Psalms 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Reading II: First John 3:1-3
Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12

Preaching Tip

What You Know Matters More Than How Much You Know

Few of us consider ourselves sufficiently knowledgeable. We would all like to have read much more than we have, to have mastered biblical studies and moral theology more thoroughly than we have, and to know the ins and outs of current events. This desire is healthy in itself, since it constantly spurs us on to expand our horizons and deepen our knowledge. But it can also inhibit us in the pulpit, by creating a false sense of insecurity. St Frances de Sales gives us the antidote and takes off the pressure:

  • "I wish merely to say this one word: a preacher's knowledge is always sufficient when he has no desire to appear to know more than he actually does. 
  • "Are we unable to speak well on the mystery of the Trinity? Let us say nothing of it. 
  • "Are we not sufficiently learned to explain St John's ‘In principio'? Let us leave it alone.
  • "There is no lack of other more useful subjects; there is no question of our doing everything."

On the Preacher and Preaching, by St Francis de Sales, p24


Hermanos y hermanas:

La fiesta de hoy es para todos nosotros una invitación a la santidad. Por un lado admiramos a los héroes canonizados que siguieron a Jesucristo en esta vida practicando las virtudes y que la Iglesia ha proclamado como modelos de vida que todos podemos imitar; y por otro lado recordamos a nuestros difuntos, humildes santos anónimos. Son nuestros santos familiares, gente de nuestro pueblo, de nuestra misma calle; gente como nosotros que consiguieron recorrer el camino hasta llegar al cielo.

1.  ¿Quiénes son los santos? Me parece una buena definición la que dio una niña de la catequesis cuando le hicieron esta pregunta: "Son esos hombres y mujeres que están en las vidrieras de la iglesia y que a través de ellos pasa la luz del sol". Y es verdad, santo es pues, el alma en gracia que ha conservada intacta la imagen de Dios, o la ha reconstruido y perfeccionado durante toda su vida sin estropearla con el pecado y que la transmite a los demás en su propia vida.

No les resultó fácil superar los obstáculos que se cruzaban en su camino. Se fatigaron para dar paso al bien en sus almas y no se dejaron sobornar por las trampas que les salieron al paso. Ser santos no es hacer milagros, ni dejar obras sorprendentes para la historia. Esos santos que hoy celebramos nos demuestran que seguir a Cristo es posible, y que eso es la santidad. Algunos han dejado huella profunda. Otros han pasado desapercibidos.

2.  ¿Cuántos son los santos? El Apocalipsis habla de una multitud inmensa que nadie podía contar; hombres y mujeres, de toda raza, edad y condición, que se desvivieron por los demás, que vencieron el egoísmo, que perdonaron siempre. Van todos peregrinando y, como en las procesiones, una parte de ellos ya entró en el templo y otra continúa todavía en el camino. Su itinerario los ha llevado a recorrer una por una las Bienaventuranzas que predicó Jesús. "Dichosos los pobres en el espíritu, los sufridos, los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia, los misericordiosos, los limpios de corazón". A ejemplo de ellos hemos de esforzarnos por vivir ese mismo programa.

3.  Y yo ¿puedo ser santo? Los santos no han sido ángeles, ni héroes de otro planeta. Son personas que han vivido en este mundo en tiempos tan difíciles o más que los nuestros; pero han aprendido a amar. Su ejemplo debe animarnos para continuar nuestro camino llenos de esperanza. Ellos ya llegaron a la meta y nos animan a vivir una vida cristiana más intensa y más vigorosa. Si ellos pudieron ¡también yo puedo ser santo con la gracia de Dios!

            La Iglesia ha beatificado hace unos días a más de quinientos mártires que murieron por su fe en la persecución religiosa de España en 1936. Sus parientes y amigos, o sus descendientes, los conocieron personalmente. Todos sus pueblos les rezan ahora para que intercedan a Dios por nosotros. ¡Seamos, pues, los santos de nuestro tiempo!

English Translation


Brothers and sisters,

Today's feast is an invitation for all of us to be saints. On the one hand we admire the canonized heroes who followed Jesus Christ by living their virtuous life, and whom the Church has proclaimed to be life models we can all imitate; and on the other hand we recall our own dead, those humble, nameless saints. They are our holy family members, people of our town, from our own street; people like us who managed to walk the path and make it to Heaven.

1.  Who are the saints? I think a little girl in catechism class gave a good definition in answer to this question: "Saints are those men and women that are in the stained glass windows at church, and the light of the sun shines through them." And it's true, a saint is a soul in the state of grace that has preserved intact the image of God, or has remade and perfected it all throughout life without spoiling it by sin; the saint then transmits this to others by their testimony of life.

It wasn't easy for them to overcome the obstacles they ran across in their path. It was tiring for them to allow good to work in their souls, and they didn't sell out to the traps that were laid for them. Being a saint isn't doing miracles or amazing feats for future generations. The saints we celebrate today show us that following Christ is possible, and that's what holiness is all about. Some were very influential in life; others went by unnoticed.

2.  How many saints are there? The book of Apocalypse speaks of an immense multitude that no one could count, men and women of every race, age and condition that lived for others, that conquered egoism, that always forgave others. They are all on a pilgrimage, and as happens in processions, some of them have already gone into the church and others are still on the road. Their path has taken them along each of the Beatitudes preached by Jesus. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, those who suffer, those who hunger and thirst for justice, the merciful, the clean of heart." We have to follow their example and live this same program.

3.  Me, can I be a saint? Saints were not angels or heroes from another planet. They are people who lived in this world in times that were just as difficult as our own, or worse; but they learned to love. Their example should encourage us to continue on our way, full of hope. They have already reached their goal and encourage us to live a more intense and vigorous Christian life. If they could be a saint, so can I with the grace of God!

            A few days ago the Church beatified almost five hundred martyrs who died for their faith during the religious persecution in Spain during the 1930's. Their relatives and friends, or descendents, knew them personally. Everyone in their town can now pray to them and ask for their intercession before God. Let us also be the saints of our own time!