ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Second Kings 5:14-17
Psalm: Psalms 98:1, 2-3, 3-4
Reading II: Second Timothy 2:8-13
Gospel: Luke 17:11-19

Preaching Tip

Tapping into Whatever Talent We Have

Those of us who make excuses for our preaching because we think we have little natural speaking talent should pause over the following paragraph:

"To get back, though, to the matter of talent and toil. Father Elliot, a veteran Paulist parish missionary of the early twentieth century, used to wither young confreres who moaned that they had no preaching talent. His argument ran something like this: ‘You say you cannot preach. But you can talk politics with enthusiasm and power. You can run down a neighboring pastor as if you were a prosecuting district attorney. And when it suits you, you can blast the bishop till you all but turn his mitre inside out. You can be articulate and persuasive and dynamic in talking about your favorite football or baseball team. But you cannot preach. Nonsense!  You can preach. You just don't!'"

Ten Responsible Minutes, by Joseph E. Manton, C.SS.R., p24

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C


Hermanas y hermanos:

Reflexionemos hoy en la curación de los diez leprosos que, sólo por obedecer un mandamiento de Jesús: "Id a presentaros a los sacerdotes", quedaron puros de la lepra. Los envía para que entiendan que la sola obediencia a su palabra les valdrá la curación, porque pone a prueba su fe. Realmente, tienen necesidad de creer firmemente en Jesús para obedecer su palabra de ir al encuentro de los sacerdotes.

En efecto, ¿quién será capaz de obedecer la palabra de Jesús sino el que cree en él de verdad? Por ello, el camino de la salvación comienza por creer en Jesús. Por consiguiente, el itinerario de nuestra esperanza, de nuestra libertad y de nuestra salvación total comienza con la fe en Jesús.

1. Los leprosos sabían que sólo Jesús podía curarlos; sin embargo, no los sana directamente; los envía a los sacerdotes. Cristo quiere que le amemos por lo que es y no por lo que nos da. No quiere ser una máquina de deseos, un sedante de nuestras penas.

2. La fe hace milagros, pero a su vez, los milagros aumentan la fe como les ocurre a los leprosos de Galilea. Por el camino quedan curados, pero sólo uno vuelve para dar gracias. ¡Qué fácil es olvidarnos de Dios cuando desaparecen los problemas, cuando todo nos sale bien! Quien ha descubierto que la salvación es un don gratuito de Dios, no puede hacer otra cosa que decirle ¡Gracias, Señor!

3. Necesitamos recordar que el hombre no puede ser humano sin ser agradecido. Y la razón es sencilla. El hombre no puede darse nada a sí mismo si no es a partir de lo que recibe de los demás. No nos damos la vida a nosotros mismos, ni la inteligencia, ni las fuerzas, ni la salud. Hoy podemos recordar todo lo que hemos recibido en la vida sin que nadie nos haya cobrado el precio. Dios, nuestros padres, un transeúnte que se cruza en nuestro camino. Lo más grande lo hemos recibido gratis. Detengámonos un momento y volvamos para besar su mano y decirle ¡gracias!

No olvidemos a Aquel que es la fuente de nuestra alegría. No esperemos a estar enfermos para acudir al Señor. Agradezcámosle todos los días sus dones. El que hoy se sienta enfermo acuda a Jesús, no para pedirle un milagro, sino para decirle que quiere hacer su Voluntad. Aquel que hoy esté sano, del alma y del cuerpo, acuda también a Jesús para agradecerle. No olvidemos que en sus manos están nuestras vidas, de él dependemos. Ofrezcámosle nuestro amor y nuestra vida entera a su servicio.

English Translation

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C


Sisters and brothers,

Today let us reflect on the cure of the ten lepers who were cleansed of their leprosy just for obeying Jesus' command, "Go show yourselves to the priests." He sent them so they would understand that only obedience to his word can cure them, because he puts their faith to the test. They really needed a strong belief in Jesus to obey his command to go meet the priests.

For who could obey Jesus' word unless they truly believed in him? That is why the path to salvation begins by believing in Jesus. So the path of our hope, of our freedom and our complete salvation begins with our faith in Jesus.

1. The lepers knew that only Jesus could cure them; still, he doesn't heal them directly, but he sends them to the priests. Christ wants us to love him for who he is, and not for what he gives us. He doesn't want to become a "wish machine," a sedative for our worries.

2. Faith works miracles, but at the same time, miracles increase our faith as was the case with the lepers of Galilee. On the way to the priests they were cured, but only one goes back to give thanks. How easy it is for us to forget about God when we have no problems, when everything is going well for us! Whoever discovers that salvation is a free gift from God can't do anything except say, "Thank you, Lord!"

3. We need to recall that a person can't be truly human without being grateful. And the reason is clear. Nothing can be given to man unless it received from others. We don't give ourselves life, intelligence, strength or health. Today we can think back on everything we have received in life without having to pay. God, our parents, a passer-by along our path. We have received the greatest things for nothing. Let us take a moment to kiss his hand once again and tell him, thank you!

Let us not forget the One who is the source of our joy. We shouldn't wait until we are sick to turn to the Lord. Let us thank him every day for his gifts. And if someone does feel sick today, let him go to Jesus, not to ask for a miracle but to tell him that he wants to do his Will. And those that are healthy today in soul and body, let them also turn to Jesus to thank him. Let us not forget that our lives are in his hands, and we depend on him. Let us offer him our love and place our whole life at his service.