ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10
Psalm: Psalms 40:2, 3, 4, 18
Reading II: Hebrews 12:1-4
Gospel: Luke 12:49-53

Preaching Tip

Since our homilies are directly linked to our state as ordained ministers, we should do our best to consider them an integral part of our service to God and the Church. As a result, preparing homilies should be both a prayerful and an enjoyable process. Here are some pointers from an expert about how to make that happen.

"Both words apply here. We enter into a special relationship with the Holy Spirit when preparing a homily, and that already puts us in a prayerful mode. We are engaged in one of the most effective and central activities of our ministry, and that is enjoyable, fulfilling.

"Find ways to make preparation prayerful. A lit candle can help; the TV doesn't. Often, prayerful thoughts crop up along the way. Pray them. There's no rush. Besides, time spent on homily preparation should 'count' for prayer. Preparing a homily may be hard work, but it is also holy work. Find ways to make it enjoyable too - good space, a time that is not rushed, resources close at hand. It is enjoyable to settle in with scripture. (Note that starting early in the week can help both the prayer and the enjoyment.)"

Preaching Better, by Bishop Ken Untener, pp 9-10


Algunas palabras del Evangelio de hoy pueden dejarnos inquietos: "¿Pensáis que he venido a traer paz a la tierra? Pues no, ¡yo he traído la división!" ¿No es verdad que este Jesús no se parece al que conocíamos? Ante el niño Dios, recién nacido en Belén los ángeles cantaron: "paz en la tierra a los hombres de buena voluntad". Y en su vida pública Jesús mismo proclamó: "Bienaventurados los pacíficos, porque serán llamados hijos de Dios". Y después de resucitar nos dejó el regalo más codiciado: "La paz os dejo, mi paz os doy". ¿Jesús se está contradiciendo a sí mismo?

Queridas hermanas y hermanos:

1.  La respuesta es ¡No! Jesús es el constructor de la paz y nos invita a construirla con Él. Pero ¡atención! La paz de Jesús no es la vida tranquila del bienestar material; no es la tranquilidad de la falta de compromiso, no es la cómoda aceptación de la injusticia, de la prepotencia, de los vicios que degradan la vida humana. No es la rendición ante el mal. La paz que Cristo nos trae es el fruto de una lucha continua y dura contra el mal que busca crecer en nosotros y a nuestro alrededor. La paz que Cristo nos trae es la serenidad de saber que estamos en las manos de Dios, en amistad con Él y con nuestros hermanos.

2.  La fe cristiana es una contestación al mal que quiere imponerse en nuestra vida. Cristo no nos dice: "¡Tranquilos! No pasa nada" sino que nos invita a la conversión, a cortar de raíz el pecado. Es verdad que Dios es misericordioso, pero también quiere que nos convirtamos. Dentro de nosotros llevamos dos mundos en lucha: el hombre viejo y el hombre nuevo. Pasar del uno al otro se llama conversión y esta es la verdadera revolución interior, la más urgente de todas.

3.  Jesús habla también de división y de espada. Se está refiriendo al trato que recibirán sus seguidores a lo largo de la historia. "Bienaventurados cuando os insulten y persigan, vuestra recompensa será grande en el cielo". Los cristianos que aceptan la invitación de Jesucristo, están destinados a cambiar el mundo con su contestación pacífica y fuerte. Se han dedicado a los pobres, a los enfermos, han defendido a las viudas y a los huérfanos, han liberado a los esclavos, han creado una sociedad en donde se han podido proclamar los derechos del hombre, de la mujer y del niño. Y a cambio de todo ello han sido injustamente maltratados. Y esta persecución continúa hasta nuestros días.

Hermanos: Estamos en medio de un mundo que aprecia otros valores, que razona con una mentalidad que no es la de Cristo y que muchas veces reacciona con indiferencia, hostilidad, burla, e incluso con una persecución más o menos solapada ante nuestra fe. Sólo tenemos una cosa que proponer al mundo: la cruz de Cristo que hay que seguir sin componendas. Seremos signo de contradicción, pero cambiaremos el mundo, como Cristo nos prometió, construyendo la civilización del amor.

English Translation

                                                                                  CHRIST'S PEACE COMES AT A PRICE

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Certain words in today's Gospel can make us concerned: "Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to bring division!" Isn't it true that this Jesus doesn't look much like the Jesus we used to know? The angels sang before the newborn Christ-child in Bethlehem: "peace on earth to men of good will." And in his public life Jesus himself proclaimed: "Blessed the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God." And after his resurrection, he left us his most envied gift: "Peace I leave you, my peace I give you." Is Jesus contradicting himself?

Dear sisters and brothers,

1. The answer is No! Jesus is the builder of peace and he invites us to build it with Him. But be careful! The peace the Jesus brings is not a peaceful life of material wellbeing; it is not the tranquility that comes from lack of commitment, nor is it the comfortable acceptance of injustice, arrogance and vice that degrade human life. It is not giving up in the face of evil. The peace that Christ brings is the fruit of a difficult and prolonged struggle against the evil that seeks to grow in us and in our surroundings. The peace that Christ brings us is the serenity of knowing that we are in God's hands, in friendship with Him and our neighbor.

2. Christian Faith is an answer to the evil that tries to impose itself in our lives. Christ doesn't tell us: "Take it easy!  There's no problem!" but rather he invites us to conversion, to cut sin at the root. It's true that God is merciful, but he also wants us to be converted. Within ourselves we bear two worlds engaged in conflict: the old man and the new man. To go from one to the other is called conversion, and this is the true, the most urgent inward revolution.

3. Jesus also speaks of division and the sword. He is referring to the treatment his followers will receive in the course of history. "Blessed are you when men insult you and persecute you, for your reward will be great in Heaven." Christians that accepts Christ's invitation are to change the world with their peaceful and strong response. They have dedicated themselves to the poor, the sick, to the defense of widows and orphans, the freedom of slaves, the creation of a society where the rights of men, women and children can be affirmed. And in return for all this they have been treated unjustly. And the persecution continues down to our day.

Dear brothers and sisters, We live in the midst of a world that accepts other values, that thinks with a mentality that is not Christ's, that so often reacts with indifference, hostility, scorn and even with persecution of our Faith, sometimes openly and sometimes indirectly. We have only one thing to offer the world: the Cross of Christ that must be followed without compromise. We will be a sign of contradiction, but we will change the world like Christ promised us, building the civilization of love.