ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Deuteronomy 30:10-14
Psalm: Psalms 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34,
Reading II: Colossians 1:15-20
Gospel: Luke 10:25-37

Preaching Tip

As remarkable as it may seem, those of us who have to preach often sometimes fall into bad habits that contradict the most basic rules of communication - like the rule that every public discourse should have a beginning, a middle, and an end.  Anything irrelevant to the discourse should be eliminated.  It will only distract.

The Homily Pack arrangement of "lesson, illustration, and application" helps assure a simple, logical structure - something that our listeners deserve. 

As communications expert Thomas Montalbo puts it, "So it is with the public speaker. What you say should be organized for understanding.  Your ideas should be arranged to make it easy for your listeners to follow you. Otherwise, it's easy enough for them to tune you out, even though they may have to stay in their seats."

The Power of Eloquence, p 52

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)                                                                 



Este pasaje evangélico nos presenta a un Cristo muy humano que baja a explicarnos nuestras dudas con ejemplos siempre claros. Un maestro de la ley se acerca a Jesús y le hace una pregunta: "¿Qué he de hacer para ganar la vida eterna?". Este interrogante revolotea, querámoslo o no, en nuestra cabeza constantemente. Porque bien sabemos que vamos a morir y que después de esta vida nos espera una vida eterna. ¿Pero, qué hemos de hacer para llegar a ella? La respuesta es una sola, Cristo ya la ha dado: Amando.

1.  Amando a Dios: El maestro de la ley no dudó en definirlo como el primer mandamiento: "Amarás al Señor tu Dios con toda tu alma y con todas tus fuerzas". Dios es nuestro padre y nuestro creador. Por Él existen todas las cosas. Todo lo hemos recibido de sus manos. ¿Cómo corresponder a tantos beneficios? No hay otra forma en que podamos agradecer que amándolo sobre todas las cosas, "amor con amor se paga". ¿O puede alguien quedarse indiferente ante su cruz, sus clavos y su corona? El hombre ha sido creado para amar. No basta, por tanto, dejar de ofenderle con el pecado, sino que hay que vivir la gracia santificante, que es la misma vida de Dios.

2.  Amando al prójimo como a mí mismo: "¿Pero quién es mi prójimo?", preguntó de nuevo el maestro de la ley. Los judíos decían que era el pariente, el vecino, o el que cumplía la ley. Jesús va más allá y cuenta la historia de un hombre herido por los ladrones y abandonado medio muerto al lado de la carretera. Pasa un sacerdote y no lo auxilia, pasa un levita y no hace caso, sólo el Samaritano tiene compasión de él. ¿Quién fue el prójimo para el herido? "El que tuvo misericordia" dice Jesús. La invitación de Cristo es también para nosotros: "Ve y haz tú lo mismo".

3.  Nuestro prójimo es nuestro hermano cercano. y le mostramos nuestro amor cuando nos compadecemos de sus padecimientos y aliviamos su dolores con nuestra solidaridad. Pasando por el camino de la vida tendremos sobradas ocasiones de encontrar personas abatidas, avasalladas, expoliadas: personas que no han conocido una vida normal; personas analfabetas, drogadictas, delincuentes, paradas, hambrientas. Ellos son nuestro prójimo, son hombres y mujeres caídos en el camino, golpeados y robados. Dios nos pide que seamos sus buenos samaritanos.

El cristiano no es un hombre para sí mismo sino para los demás. Cuando un hombre ama con todo su corazón a Dios Padre, toma con seriedad al hombre, a todos los hombres. Y el que ama de verdad al hombre no se pregunta: ¿A quién tengo que amar? Sino ¿Quién me necesita cerca? Jesús deja en claro dos cosas: que todos somos prójimos y que todos deberíamos comportarnos como el buen samaritano. No importan sus siglas de identificación, ni su partido o sindicato, ni su religión; lo que importa es que todo hombre es mi hermano. Ahora hermanas y hermanos: "Vayamos también nosotros y hagamos lo mismo, con la ayuda de Dios".

English Translation

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)                                                         


Brothers and Sisters:

This Gospel passage shows us a very human side of Christ who comes down to answer our doubts with very clear examples. A master of the law draws near to Jesus to ask him a question: "What must I do to gain eternal life?" This same question is always running around inside our head also, whether we like it or not. Because we know very well that we are going to die and that after this life we have eternal life waiting for us. But what do we need to do to get there? There is just one answer, and Christ has already given it to us: Love.

1.  Loving God: the teacher of the law had no doubts in defining the first commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul and all your strength." God is our Father and our Creator. All things exist through him. We have received everything from his hands. What should be our response to such blessings? We cannot thank him in any other way than by loving him above all things: "love is repaid with love." Or can anyone be indifferent to his Cross, his nails and his crown of thorns? Man has been made to love. So it is not enough simply to stop offending him by sin, but we need to live in sanctifying grace, which is the very life of God.

2.  Loving our neighbor as ourselves: "But who is my neighbor?" asked the teacher of the law again. The Jews used to say that one's neighbor was one's parent, next-door neighbor, or anyone who fulfilled the law. Jesus goes further and tells the story of a man who was injured by robbers and left half-dead on the side of the road. A priest goes by but does not help him; a Levite walks by and does not pay any attention; only the Samaritan has pity on him. Who was the neighbor to the wounded man? "The one who showed mercy," says Jesus. Christ's invitation is for us also: "Go and do the same."

3.  Our neighbors are our closest brothers and sisters, and we show our love when we take pity on their sufferings and we lighten their pain by our solidarity. As we walk along the path of life we will have plenty of opportunities to meet up with people who are depressed, trampled underfoot and taken advantage of; people who have not lived a regular life; people who are illiterate, drug addicts, delinquents, unemployed, hungry. They are our neighbors, men and women who have fallen along the side of the road, beaten and robbed. God is asking us to be good Samaritans.

Christians do not live for themselves but for others. When someone loves God the Father with his whole heart, he takes man seriously, all men. And anyone who loves his fellow man does not ask, "Who do I need to love?" but "Who needs me close to them?" Jesus tells us two things clearly: we are all neighbors and we should all behave like the Good Samaritan. It doesn't matter what their initials are, or their political views or social standing or their religion; what matters is that everyone is my brother and sister. Now brothers and sisters: "Let us also go and do the same, with God's help."