ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: First Kings 19:16-21
Psalm: Psalms 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11
Reading II: Galatians 5:1, 13-18
Gospel: Luke 9:51-62

Preaching Tip

On having confidence in God's action through the ordained minister's preaching:

"And if I did not know that God exists as his Word quite apart from my own human understanding and fallibilities, as a preacher I should be of all men most miserable. Then the communication of the gospel would be entirely a matter of my own persuasive abilities, of my own sweaty exertions in the pulpit. But when I know that the presence of the Word in my preaching is entirely a matter of the sovereign grace of God, then I may have a confidence that transcends self-confidence. Then I may commit my preaching to his promise and rest my trust in him."

Preaching for Today, by Clyde E Fant, p46

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)


Hermanas y hermanos:

Hay dos cosas que me llaman la atención en este evangelio; la primera es el hecho de que Jesucristo y sus discípulos siempre van en camino. La segunda es el encuentro constante de Cristo con nuevos seguidores. A algunos él les pide: "Ven y sígueme"; otros, en cambio, le prometen: "Te seguiré a donde quiera que vayas". ¿Acaso no nos ocurre a nosotros lo mismo en los momentos importantes de la vida? Intentemos descubrir que quiere enseñarnos Jesús.

1.  Cristo en camino. Su vida pública es un continuo ir y venir por las tierras de Israel llevando la buena noticia de la salvación y preparando su llegada a Jerusalén, en donde culminaría su misión con su muerte y resurrección. También nosotros un día salimos de nuestro pueblo y comenzamos a caminar, como siguiendo una inspiración. Nos pusimos en manos de Dios y fuimos encontrando poco a poco nuestro destino. Él nos llevaba de la mano y nos mostraba  nuevos proyectos. ¿Hemos caído en la cuenta de que nuestra vida sólo tiene sentido si buscamos hacer la Voluntad de Dios?

2.  ¿Qué significa ser cristiano hoy? Es cristiano el que encuentra en Cristo la razón suprema de vivir. Quizás le hayamos dicho: "¡Te seguiré a dondequiera que vayas!"  Pero Él nos advierte: "el que me sigue sufrirá privaciones, cansancio, no tendrá donde dormir". Dios llama a cada uno, pero no todos responden de inmediato. Algunos ponen excusas. Es fácil querer ser generoso poniendo condiciones: "Te seguiré, pero...  déjame ir a despedirme". Y Jesús responde: "El que pone la mano en el arado y vuelve la vista atrás, no es digno de mí". Es como si le diéramos las llaves de nuestra vida y le permitiéramos entrar en nuestra casa y vivir en ella, "pero que no entre a esta habitación, ni se siente en esta silla, ni abra estos armarios".

3.  Tenía razón Gandhi cuando veía nuestras incoherencias; decía: "Me gusta Cristo, pero no los cristianos porque no viven como Cristo". En el pasado de nuestra vida hemos dejado muchas cosas, algunas incluso muy buenas, pero cuando hemos hecho una opción fundamental por Cristo sólo queda mirar hacia delante. Nuestra felicidad depende de la entrega total, aunque sea contracorriente, aunque nos cueste. Tenemos la seguridad de que nunca estaremos solos porque Cristo estará con nosotros hasta el último día de nuestra vida.

Jesús es radical, espera de nosotros una entrega total. Ser cristiano hoy, exige valentía y firmeza porque hay que superar sentimentalismos e intereses personales. La opción de vivir de acuerdo con los mandamientos de Cristo, hace que todas las demás cosas pasen a segundo plano: trabajo, tiempo, diversiones, dinero. Muchas veces tendremos que caminar contra corriente, frente a las costumbres, modas, opiniones que no concuerdan con el Evangelio. Esto sólo puede entenderlo el que ha comprendido que "lo único necesario" es Dios; entonces todo lo demás se convierte en algo relativo. Hermanas y hermanos: ¡Sólo tenemos una vida! Vale la pena dedicarla a lo único necesario. ¡Mi vida es para Dios!

English Translation

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)


Brothers and Sisters:

There are two things that catch my attention in this Gospel: first, that Jesus and his disciples are always traveling. Second, Christ's constant meeting with new followers. He tells some, "Come and follow me"; others instead promise him, "I will follow you wherever you go." Doesn't the same thing happen to us at the important moments of life? Let's try to find out what Jesus is trying to teaching us.

1.  Christ on the move. His public life is a continuous coming and going through the land of Israel, bringing the good news of salvation and preparing for his arrival in Jerusalem, where his mission will reach its climax with his death and resurrection. One day, we also left our town and started walking, as if we were following an inspiration. We put ourselves in God's hands and little by little we started discovering our destiny. He was leading us by the hand, showing us new projects. Have we realized that our life only has meaning if we seek to do God's Will?

2.  What does it mean today to be a Christian? A Christian is one who finds in Christ the highest reason for living. Perhaps we have told him, "I will follow you wherever you go!" But He warns us, "Anyone who follows me will suffer want, tiredness, and will have no place to lay his head." God calls everyone, but not everyone answers right away. Some people make excuses. It is so easy to want to be generous and put conditions, "I will follow you, but... let me say goodbye." And Jesus answers, "Anyone who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of me." It is as if we gave him the keys of our life and allowed him to enter our house and live there, "but don't go into this room, or sit in this chair, or open these closets."

3.  Gandhi was right when he noticed our incoherence.  He used to say, "I like Christ, but I don't like Christians because they don't live like Christ." In our lives, we have left things in the past, some of them very good, but when we have made a fundamental option for Christ, all we can do is look forward. Our happiness depends on our complete self-giving, even though it may be countercultural or difficult. We can be sure that we will never be alone, because Christ will be with us until the last day of our lives.

Jesus is radical, and expects us to give ourselves completely. Being a Christian today takes courage and fortitude, because we need to overcome sentimentalism and our personal plans. The option of living according to Christ's commandments makes everything else fall into second place: work, use of time, entertainment, money. Oftentimes we will have to go against the current, when faced with customs, styles, opinions that are not in agreement with the Gospel. Only the person who understands that "the one thing necessary" is God will be able to understand this; after that, everything else becomes relative. Brothers and Sisters: We only have one life to life! It's worth living it for the one thing necessary in life. My life is for God!