ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Acts 14:21-27
Psalm: Psalms 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13
Reading II: Revelation 21:1-5
Gospel: John 13:31-33, 34-35

Preaching Tip

The image you have of yourself as you preach will affect the manner of your preaching.

  • If you consider yourself to be a teacher, you will sound formal and smart.
  • If you consider yourself a judge, you will sound authoritative and cold. If you consider yourself a failure, you will sound weak and noncommittal.
  • And if you consider yourself to be what you truly are, what God has made you through his call and through the sacrament of holy orders - a Father - then you will sound warm, strong, and convincing.

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C (C Pascua 5)

                                                                          EL CRISTIANO AMA COMO DIOS AMA

Si un día se borraran como por arte de magia todas las leyes que se han escrito en los países del mundo y los hombres decidieran vivir solamente con la ley del amor tal y como la predicó Jesús, yo les aseguro que el mundo cambiaría de pies a cabeza: No habría guerras, ni ladrones, ni envidiosos, ni rencorosos. Ningún esposo traicionaría a su esposa, los hijos obedecerían a sus padres, no habría mentira, ni corrupción.

1. Dijo Jesús: "Os doy un mandamiento nuevo" ¿Por qué le llama nuevo? ¿Es que antes de él no ha habido gente buena en el mundo? Unos son creyentes y otros no. "Amaos los unos a los otros como yo os he amado" insiste Jesús. Verdadero cristiano no es el más sabio, el más piadoso, el más mortificado, el más influyente, sino el que más ama. Nuestro amor tiene que ser como el de Jesús, es decir, gratuito, generoso, universal, incondicional.

Amar es un don. Amar no es sentir que se ama sino querer amar. Más que un mandato, amar es una necesidad. ¿Se puede obligar a amar? Un amor forzado no sería verdadero. ¿Se puede vivir sin amar? El que no ama se atrofia. El que no es amado se muere. Amar es dar la vida.

2. La novedad del Evangelio no está en que nos amemos, sino en que nos amamos como Dios nos ha amado. Es decir: ¡Sin límites! ¿Cómo? Es muy sencillo: Abramos el Evangelio y veamos cómo nos amó Jesús. A todos, en todo, hasta dar su vida para salvarnos.

Jesús ama con la mente; porque conoce a cada persona.

Jesús ama con el corazón. O sea con respeto, con totalidad y profundidad.

Jesús ama ¡Sin límites! a todos, especialmente a los que más lo necesitan.

Amemos ¡Sin límites! hasta despojarnos de todo, hasta gastarnos del todo, hasta entregarnos totalmente. Tú sabes que cada hombre es tu hermano; ¡pero tu hermano no lo sabe! Tienes que decírselo tú con palabras y con hechos.

3. "El amor es posible", dijo Benedicto XVI en un mensaje dirigido a los chicos y chicas del mundo. "Cada persona siente el deseo de amar y de ser amado. Sin embargo, ¡qué difícil es amar, cuántos errores y fracasos hay que registrar en el amor! Hay quien incluso llega a dudar si el amor es posible". Pero, no hay que resignarse ante lo que en ocasiones pueda "hacernos pensar que amar sea una utopía, un sueño inalcanzable".

Imagina que Jesús está junto a ti en cada minuto del día y que le preguntas: "Señor ¿Cómo harías tú esto que voy a hacer yo ahora?" Así aprenderás a amar como ama Jesús. Así estarás haciendo realidad el sueño de Jesús,  la civilización del amor:

English Translation

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C

                                                                              CHRISTIANS LOVE AS GOD LOVES

If all the laws that were ever written in every country of the world were one day erased by magic and men decided to live only by the law of love just as Jesus preached, I can assure you that the world would be changed upside down. There would be no more wars, theft, jealousy, anger. Husbands would not betray their wives, children would obey their parents, there would be no lies, no corruption.

1. Jesus said: "I give you a new commandment." Why does He call it new? Weren't there good people in the world before him? Some are believers, others are not. "Love one another as I have loved you," Jesus insists. The true Christian is not the person who is smarter, more pious, more sacrificial, more influential, but rather the person who loves the most. Our love has to be like Jesus' love, freely given, generous, universal, inconditional.

Love is a gift. Love is not a feeling that one is loved but a desire to love. Love is more a need than a command. Can someone be forced to love? Forced love is not true love. Can someone live without love? Anyone who does not love wastes away. Anyone who is not loved dies. Love is giving up one's life.

2. The Gospel's novelty is not that we ought to love, but that we should love one another as God has loved us. In other words, without limits! How? It is very easy: let's open the Gospel and take a look at how Jesus loved us. He loved everyone, always, to the point of giving his life to save us.

Jesus loves with his mind; because he knows each person.

Jesus loves with his heart, in other words, fully and in depth.

Jesus loves everyone without limits, especially those who most need to be loved.

Let us love without limits until we have detached ourselves from everything, worn ourselves out completely and given ourselves fully. You know that every man is your brother, but your brother doesn't know it! You need to tell it to him in your words and your deeds.

3. "Love is possible" said Benedict XVI in a message directly to all boys and girls in the world. "Each person feels the desire to love and be loved. However, how hard it is to love, how many mistakes and failures do we end up making in love! Some people even end up doubting that love is possible." But we don't need to resign ourselves to what can sometimes "make us think that love is a utopia, a dream we can never fulfill."

Imagine that Jesus is next to you at every moment of the day, and that you ask him: "Lord, how would you do what I am about to do?" This is how you will learn to love as Jesus loves. In this way you will be making Jesus' dream, the civilization of love, become a reality.