ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Acts 5:12-16
Psalm: Psalms 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
Reading II: Revelation 1:9-11, 12-13, 17-19
Gospel: John 20:19-31

Preaching Tip

"A great matter also with the most of our hearers doth lie in the very pronunciation and tone of speech... Especially see that there be no affectation, but that we speak as familiarly to our people as we would if we were talking to any of them personally. The want of a familiar tone and expression is as great a defect in most of our deliveries as anything whatsoever, and that which we should be very careful to amend. When a man hath a reading or declaiming tone, like a schoolboy saying his lesson or an oration, few are moved with anything that he saith." 

Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor

Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Sunday), Year C

                                                                             SEMBRADORES DE ESPERANZA

Hace pocos días el Papa Benedicto XVI visitó la cárcel de menores de la ciudad de Roma y durante la Misa les habló a los muchachos de la misericordia de Dios. "Jesús te ama y te perdona. Él es tu Padre y te espera con los brazos abiertos", les dijo. Este episodio nos ayudará a entender mejor el mensaje central de la fiesta que hoy celebramos de la Divina Misericordia.

Hermanos: Partamos de esa experiencia terrible que es una cárcel! La peor pesadilla para cualquier hombre libre es la de quedar preso: No puedes salir, no puedes hablar, no puedes trabajar, no puedes estar con los tuyos. Te humilla y te mata el castigo. Por eso también, el mejor sueño que puede tener es el de recuperar la libertad. El sueño de Santo Tomás, prisionero de sus dudas de fe, se hace realidad cuando Cristo resucitado lo libera de esa esclavitud.

1. ¡Cuántos, buscando la libertad, se hacen esclavos! En nuestros países "civilizados", los barrotes de la celda se llaman droga, exigencias del éxito, ambición económica. Son cadenas que atan y que no perdonan. Dicen que Dios perdona siempre, que los hombres a veces y que la naturaleza nunca. Menos mal que el juez de nuestra vida no será ni la naturaleza, ni los hombres, sino Dios misericordioso

2. Cristo resucitado viene hoy a liberarnos del pecado. Cuentan que una vez un niño salió del confesionario y se encontró con Dios Padre que caminaba por el pasillo de la Iglesia y le preguntó: "Oye Dios, ¿es verdad que tú conoces todos mis pecados?" "Sí, respondió" "Dímelos, dijo el niño" y Dios respondió: "Ya no los recuerdo". Dios, al perdonarnos, también se olvida de nuestros pecados. Esta seguridad es la que hace que el creyente sea diferente del que no cree. Se siente amado y perdonado. Actúa siempre con la garantía que sólo puede dar la fuerza del amor de Dios.

3. Jesús regaló a los apóstoles y a los sacerdotes el poder de hacer libres a todos los hombres: "A quienes les perdonéis los pecados les serán perdonados". Por el sacramento de la confesión Dios nos libra del pecado y del infierno. Los cristianos debemos ser coherentes; por la resurrección de Cristo fuimos salvados.  Estamos obligados a ser sembradores de esperanza para liberar a nuestros hermanos del pecado, de sus dudas, de sus esclavitudes y temores.

¡Decídete! Que no pase esta semana sin que hagas tu confesión pascual como pide el mandamiento de la Iglesia. Sólo Dios puede perdonarte tus pecados, y lo hace a través del sacerdote. No dejes pasar la oportunidad. Y ojalá sigas confesándote con frecuencia sin esperar hasta la otra Pascua para purificar tu alma y vivir en la libertad de los hijos de Dios. ¡Qué buen ejemplo puedes dar a tus hijos!

English Translation

Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Sunday), Year C

                                                                                                    SOWERS OF HOPE

A few days ago, Pope Benedict XVI visited a youth prison in the city of Rome, and during Mass he spoke to the young people about the mercy of God. "Jesus loves you and forgives you. He is your Father and waits for you with open arms," he told them. This event will help us to understand better the central message of today's feast of Divine Mercy.

Brothers and Sisters: Let us free ourselves from this terrible experience of imprisonment! The worst nightmare for someone is to be held a prisoner; you can't get out, you can't speak, you can't work, you can't be with your loved ones. This punishment is terribly humiliating. For this reason, the best dream one can have is getting back his freedom. The dream of St. Thomas, prisoner of his doubts of faith, becomes real when the risen Christ frees him from that slavery.

1. How many people, desiring freedom, end up becoming slaves! In our "civilized" countries, the prison bars are called drugs, the requirements of success, economic ambition. These chains are binding, unforgiving. They say that God always forgives, men sometimes forgive, but nature never does. It's lucky that the judge of our lives will not be nature, or men, but our merciful God.

2. The risen Christ comes to free us from sin today. They say that once a child walked out of the confessional and bumped in to God the Father in the aisle, and asked him. "Hey God, isn't it true that you know all my sins?" "Yes" he answered. "Then tell them to me," said the child.  God answered: "I don't remember them any more." God, once he has forgiven us, also forgets about our sins. This assurance is what makes the believer different from the non-believer. He knows that he is loved and forgiven. In all his acts he has the guarantee of strength that can only come from the love of God.

3. Jesus gave the apostles and priests the power to free all men: "Whoever's sins you forgive, they shall be forgiven." Through the sacrament of Confession, God frees us from sin and from Hell. As Christians, we should be coherent; by Christ's resurrection, we were made free. So we have the duty of being sowers of peace to free our neighbor from sin, from doubts, from slavery and fear.

Make your choice! May this be the week you have your Easter-time Confession as the Commandment of the Church asks of us. Only God can forgive your sins, and he does it through the priest. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. And hopefully you will continue going to Confession frequently, rather than waiting until next Easter to purify your soul and live in the freedom of the children of God. What a great example this would be for your children!