ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Amos 7:12-15
Psalm: Psalms 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14
Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10
Gospel: Mark 6:7-13

Preaching Tip

Back to Basics

As remarkable as it may seem, those of us who have to preach often sometimes fall into bad habits that contradict the most basic rules of communication - like the rule that every public discourse should have a beginning, a middle, and an end; anything irrelevant to the discourse should be eliminated; it will only distract.

The Homily Pack arrangement of "lesson, illustration, and application" helps assure a simple, logical structure, something that our listeners deserve. 

  • As communications expert Thomas Montalbo puts it:
  • "So it is with the public speaker. What you say should be organized for understanding. Your ideas should be arranged to make it easy for your listeners to follow you. Otherwise, it's easy enough for them to tune you out, even though they may have to stay in their seats."

The Power of Eloquence, p52

B To 15                                                             


La Palabra de Dios es como una semilla; necesita surco abierto y acogida. La Palabra de Dios es el enlace entre Dios y el hombre; una vez dentro del corazón del hombre, comienza su transformación. Cristo necesita colaboradores que proclamen el Evangelio. A ellos se aplica la recomendación del Evangelio de hoy: "Llevad sólo el bastón y las sandalias"; como diciendo: "No pongáis vuestra confianza en los medios, sino sólo en la gracia de Dios"

Hermanas y hermanos:

1. La suerte del maestro será también la de sus seguidores. A Él sus paisanos no lo recibieron bien por el hecho de ser uno de casa. En otra ocasión quisieron apedrearle y despeñarle por un barranco porque había dado testimonio de su condición de Mesías; lo persiguieron, lo abandonaron, lo traicionaron y lo clavaron en una cruz. "Lo que me han hecho a mí, lo harán también con vosotros"; no se refiere sólo al clero, sino también a sus seguidores laicos. Es claro que ya desde el comienzo, la predicación del Evangelio choca contra las corrientes del mundo.

2. En nuestro tiempo se quiere expulsar a Dios de la sociedad. La secularización, el laicismo, el agnosticismo se han adueñado de los medios de comunicación social, del mundo político, del poder económico. Sus leyes y costumbres lesionan la moral más elemental, atentan contra la vida (aborto, eutanasia, suicidio asistido, manipulación genética, clonación terapéutica de embriones etc.), contra la familia (divorcio Express, matrimonios gay), contra la fe (enseñanza religiosa, devoción popular, eliminación de festividades).

Pero, ¿dónde están los cristianos comprometidos que den una respuesta convincente con su palabra y que con el testimonio de su vida proclamen la verdad y el bien; que defiendan valientemente los valores en el foro, en la cátedra, en las finanzas, en la investigación científica, en la calle? Los cristianos con liderazgo y garra parece que brillan por su ausencia.

3. El cristiano es apóstol por la fuerza de su Bautismo y de su Confirmación. Es el responsable de la salvación de sus hermanos. Ser apóstol seglar es, antes que nada, una exigencia del dinamismo de la fe. Es hacer que el amor de Dios penetre en lo cotidiano del mundo; es sentir que Dios nos empuja entre la gente para preocuparnos de sus problemas. Ser apóstol es rezar como aquella niña: "Señor, haz que los malos sean buenos y que los buenos sean simpáticos".

Ser apóstol no es tanto hablar de Dios sino vivir a Dios y transmitirlo a cuantos nos rodean. Ser apóstol es tener un corazón tan rebosante de amor que no tenga más remedio que comunicarlo a su alrededor. 

Hermanos: Cristo pone tres condiciones para proclamar el Evangelio: dedicación a la misión a tiempo completo, desprendimiento de las cosas, y libertad interior para evangelizar sin condicionamientos. Recordemos que el éxito de la evangelización depende no sólo de nuestro esfuerzo personal, sino también de la gracia de Dios.

English Translation

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)     

                                                                             A Staff and Sandals Are Needed

The Word of God is like a seed; it needs an open furrow and a welcome. The Word of God is the link between God and man; once inside a man’s heart, its transformation begins. Christ needs coworkers who proclaim the Gospel. To them the Gospel’s recommendation applies: ”Take only your walking stick and sandals,” as if to say, “Don't put your trust in the means, but rather only in the grace of God.”

Brothers and sisters,

1. The master's fortune will also be that of his followers. He was not well received by his countrymen for the mere fact of being one of their own. On another occasion, they wished to stone and hurl him over a ravine because he had given witness to his status as Messiah; he was persecuted, abandoned, betrayed and nailed to a cross. “What has been done to me shall be done to yourselves as well.” This does not only refer to the clergy, but also to his lay followers. It is clear that from the beginning, the preaching of the Gospel goes against the current of the world.

2. Today, people want to banish God from society. Secularization, laicism, and agnosticism have taken over the mass media, politics and economic power. Their laws and customs harm the most basic morals, assault life (abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, genetic manipulation, therapeutic cloning of embryos, etc.) assault family (quick divorce, gay marriages), assault our faith (our religious teaching, our popular devotions, the elimination of holidays).

But where are committed Christians who can give convincing answers through their words and proclaiming truth and goodness through the witness of their lives? Where are those who bravely defend values in the public square, in academia, in the financial world, in scientific research, on the street? It seems that Christians with leadership and guts stand out by their absence.

3. A Christian is an apostle through the strength of his Baptism and his Confirmation. He is responsible for the salvation of his brothers and sisters. To be a lay disciple is above all, a must for a person of faith. It is to make God's love penetrate the world's ordinary circumstances. It is to feel that God drives us to get involved with people and their problems. To be a disciple is to pray as a little girl once did, “Lord, make the wicked good and the good likeable.”

Being an apostle is not just talking about God, but living from God and bringing him to all those around us. Being an apostle is having a heart so overflowing with love that you cannot but share it with those around you.

Brothers and sisters: Christ puts down three conditions in order to proclaim the Gospel: fulltime dedication to the mission, letting go of things, and the internal freedom to evangelize without limitations. Let us remember that the success of evangelization depends not only on our own personal effort, but also on the grace of God.