ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Genesis 22:1-2, 9, 10-13, 15-18
Psalm: Psalms 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19
Reading II: Romans 8:31-34
Gospel: Mark 9:2-10

Preaching Tip

Formal or Informal?

Although the Mass is the most solemn affair that happens on earth, it is also a family gathering. We know the people we are speaking to in the homily, and they know us. Therefore, we should speak as a father, not as a dignitary. Our dignity, in fact, should be found not in rhetorical flourishes, but in the clarity, truth, goodness, and urgency of our message.

  • Here's how Pope Pius XII put it:
  • "Preach with simplicity... It is not scintillating and learned fluency that conquers souls, especially today, but rather the word of conviction that comes from the heart and goes to the heart."
  • As one lay expert put it:
  • "Give us the thought so put that we shall not even remember the style. Give us the thought so put that it will come back to us without a struggle, so put that it will easily fall into our words and our way of speech."

Adapted from "How to Make Us Want Your Sermon" by O'Brien Atkinson

B 2 Cuaresma                          


La transfiguración es un paréntesis en la vida de Jesús que se presenta en tres actos: Jesús lleva consigo sólo a tres discípulos a un monte alto y se transfigura ante ellos; el Padre declara que Jesús es su hijo predilecto y exhorta a escucharlo; los discípulos gozan de un adelanto de la verdadera felicidad: "¡Qué bien se está aquí!". Recorramos también nosotros este episodio misterioso para ver, junto con los dicípulos, al menos una chispita de la divinidad.

Hermanas y hermanos:

1.  El progresivo descubrimiento que los discípulos van haciendo de Jesús-hombre les lleva gradualmente a entender su persona divina. Es un itinerario difícil; es un  camino de fe oscura. A veces nos ocurre que hablamos de  Jesucristo como si fuera un Dios disfrazado de hombre, pero caemos así en una verdadera herejía. ¿Cómo superar esta visión tan humana y ver con otros ojos su condición divina? No hace falta ir muy lejos porque "en lo profundo del corazón humano duerme una chispita de Dios". Esta porción de eternidad es lo que nos distingue de los demás seres del cosmos.

2.  Jesús tomó consigo a Pedro, Santiago y  Juan, subió a lo alto del monte y se transfiguró en su presencia. Allí les fue dado entrever lo  que aún está por ver y creemos. "Su rostro resplandecía como el sol; sus vestidos más blancos que la nieve". Examinemos nuestra propia vida y respondamos con la mano en el corazón: ¿Mi rostro refleja con transparencia ese fuego que brilla cuando Dios está presente, y que es capaz de transfigurar la realidad más humilde o el más insignificante de mis actos? ¿Estoy dispuesto a reconocer en mis hermanos el rostro del Señor

3.  Durante toda la cuaresma se ha repetido insistentemente la misma voz: "¡Escuchadle!" Escuchar a Cristo. Hoy se oyen muchas cosas pero se escucha poco. La Palabra nos llega a través del lenguaje de los hombres y de los acontecimientos, pero para acogerla necesitamos la paz del espíritu, un poco de tiempo y un silencio especial. 

Lo más importante que debemos escuchar es el mensaje de esperanza que Cristo transfigurado nos comunica en el Tabor. Confiar sin  límites en las promesas de Dios, para que nuestra esperanza supere todas nuestras razonables expectativas humanas y esté fundada sólidamente, no en los cálculos de los hombres, sino en la Palabra de Dios. Sólo así sentiremos cómo todas  nuestras posibilidades se crecen y disparan en alas del poder de Dios, que resucitó a Jesús  de entre los muertos.

English Translation

Second Sunday of Lent, Year B                    


The transfiguration is a parenthesis in the life of Jesus that is presented in three acts: Jesus takes only three disciples with him up a high mountain and is transfigured before them; the Father declares that Jesus is his beloved Son and encourages them to listen to him; and the disciples enjoy a foretaste of true happiness: "How good it is to be here!" We also walk through this mysterious episode to see, along with the disciples, at least a spark of divinity.

Sisters and brothers:

1.  The disciples' ongoing discovery of Jesus-as-man leads them to gradually understand his divine person. It is a difficult path; it is a journey of faith in darkness. Sometimes we speak of Jesus Christ as if he were a God disguised as a man, but by doing so, we fall into a real heresy. How can we overcome this too-human vision and see his divine condition with new eyes? There is no need to go very far because "in the depths of the human heart, a spark of God sleeps." This portion of eternity is what distinguishes us from other beings of the cosmos.

2.  Jesus took Peter, James and John with him, climbed to the top of the mountain, and was transfigured in their presence. They were given a glimpse of what remains to be seen and what we believe. "His face shone like the sun; his clothes were whiter than snow."  Let us examine our own lives and respond with our hand on our heart: Does my face transparently reflect that fire that glows when God is present, and is able to transfigure the humblest reality or the least of my actions? Am I willing to recognize the Lord's face in my brothers and sisters?

3.   Throughout Lent, the same voice has insistently repeated: "Listen to Him!"  Listen to Christ. Today we hear many things, but we listen little. The Word comes to us through the language of men and events, but to receive it we need peace of mind, a little time, and a special silence. 

The most important thing we hear is the message of hope that the transfigured Christ communicates to us on Mount Tabor. We need to have limitless trust in God's promises, that our hope may overcome all our reasonable human expectations and may be solidly founded, not on the calculations of men but on God's Word. Only then will we feel how all our possibilities grow wings and soar in the power of God, who raised Jesus from the dead.