ePriest.com: Your Spanish Homily


Reading I: Second Samuel 7:1-5, 8-11, 16
Psalm: Psalms 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29
Reading II: Romans 16:25-27
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38

Preaching Tip

Start on Monday

Most wise preachers agree that the best time to begin preparing Sunday's homily is first thing on Monday morning. It doesn't add quantity of hours to the preparation, but it adds untold quality. Here's why...

  • Decide on Monday morning what we shall talk about on the following Sunday.
  • Then for the rest of the week, mount that topic in our brain like a magnet so that all pertinent thoughts will leap to it.
  • Whatever we read during the ensuing week, whomever we meet, the hospital visits we make, the letters we receive, the television shows we see, the newspaper stories we encounter...
  • We are always alert to what they can contribute to our theme.
  • Jot down the thoughts as they come along.
  • These scraps will become the personal spice, sprinkled like paprika, over the more formal material lifted from the more formal sources.

"Ten Responsible Minutes" by Fr Joseph Manton, C.SS.R., pp56-67

B Adviento 4                                                                    


El IV domingo de Adviento es ya una especie de vigilia de Navidad. Nuestra oración debe ser más intensa y fervorosa para celebrar dignamente el nacimiento de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. La Anunciación de Gabriel a María, es la revelación del misterio, mantenido en secreto durante siglos. Nosotros debemos estar siempre atentos para detectar nuestras anunciaciones. Serán la revelación de un misterio de Dios para nosotros.

Hermanas y hermanos:

1.  La liturgia de Adviento fija su atención en María. Ella recibe el anuncio de la venida del Señor con absoluta confianza. Pronuncia su "sí" aunque no comprenda cómo se realizará. Es una respuesta más allá de las previsiones cotidianas. También nosotros debemos disponernos para acoger la constante venida del Señor, sabiendo decir un "sí" confiado a la irrupción del Señor en nuestra vida como la tierra acoge la semilla para que dé fruto.

Gabriel le dijo a María."El Señor está contigo". El Señor está con nosotros, se nos dice hoy. Para fecundar nuestra vida sólo es preciso una condición: Que le acojamos en lo más hondo de nuestro ser y de nuestro hacer. Que no celebremos una Navidad superficial sino que nos dejemos penetrar por Jesús. Es preciso sentirnos pobres, sencillos, necesitados -como María- para acoger su venida salvadora.

 2.  El punto culminante de nuestro Credo es la Encarnación "Y la Palabra se hizo carne". Que Dios se haga hombre es un misterio de amor. La Encarnación se renueva constantemente. La Palabra se encarna en todo el que la escucha y la acoge, como María.  El ángel de la Anunciación no ha terminado sus encargos. Pero esta vez el ángel no tiene alas. El ángel puede ser cualquiera, incluso puede ser una palabra o un acontecimiento. Y el mensaje será siempre propuesta de amor. El Señor no nos pide construirle una casa, como a David, quiere más bien hacer en nosotros su casa. Ya está ahí la Navidad y Dios sigue buscando una casa para nacer.

3.  María es la que mejor ha celebrado en la historia el Adviento y la Navidad. Dios la llenó de gracia; ella creyó y esperó porque fue madre. La obra de Dios no ha terminado; quiere seguir dejándose ayudar. Dios sigue necesitando de una madre que lo acoja en su corazón y de un padre que le defienda de tiranos y de hermanos y hermanas que compartan sus alegrías y sus tristezas, sus crisis y sus ideales y de apóstoles que completen su obra y que sean testigos de su Reino. Dios sigue necesitando de ti.

Ya preparaste el Belén con sus luces y sus ríos, los pastorcitos, la mula y el buey; junto a José debe estar la estatuilla de María, de rodillas y sonriente, esperando al niño. Recupera las tradiciones religiosas. Explícales a tus hijos el verdadero motivo de estas fiestas que celebran creyentes y no creyentes: El nacimiento de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en Belén.

English Translation

Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B                         


Sisters and brothers,

The Fourth Sunday of Advent is similar to that of a Christmas vigil. Our prayer must be more intense and dedicated to celebrate properly the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary is the revelation of the mystery, kept as a secret during centuries. We must always be alert to discover our "annunciations." They will be the revelation of God's great mystery to us.

1. The liturgy of Advent focuses on Mary. She receives the announcement of the coming of the Lord with absolute trust. She says "Yes" even when she didn't understand how it would all happen. This is an answer completely different from our everyday realities. We too, must be ready to receive the coming of the Lord, by our "Yes", believing that His coming into our lives is like the soil that receives the seed to bear fruit.

Gabriel said to Mary: "The Lord is with you". The Lord is with us, we are told today. To transform our lives only one thing is necessary: That we receive Him in the deepest way of who we are and what we do. We don't need to celebrate Christmas artificially – we need to let Jesus be Christmas for us. It is necessary that we feel poor, humble, needy -like Mary- to receive this coming of a Savior.

2. The highest point of our Creed is the Incarnation: "And the Word became flesh". That God becomes man is a mystery of love. The Incarnation is rekindled constantly. The Word manifests in all that hear it and receives it, like Mary. The angel of the Annunciation has not finished his work yet. But this time, the angel does not have wings. The angel can be any one of us - it can even be a word or a happening. And the message will always be a proposal of love. The Lord doesn't ask us to build Him a home, like David was asked. He really wants us to be His home. Christmas is already around the corner and God is looking for a home to be born in.

3. Mary is the one person who has celebrated Advent and Christmas with excellence. God filled her with grace; she believed and waited to become a mother. The work of God is not finished: He wants to keep on letting Himself "be helped". God still needs a mother that receives Him in her heart, a father that defends Him from the tyrants; brothers and sisters that share His joys and sorrows, His crisis and ideals; and apostles to complete His work being worthy of His Kingdom. God still needs you.

Did you prepare a nativity with lights, rivers, shepherds, a mule and a donkey? Next to Joseph must be the image of Mary, kneeling and smiling, as she awaits the baby's birth. Bring back the beautiful religious traditions. Explain to your children the true meaning of Christmas that believers and non-believers celebrate: The birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.